Nottinghamshire Boat Training Courses

Level 1 Start Powerboating

This course is an introduction to boating techniques for launching and recovering a boat from a road trailer, everyday boat handling and the use of safety equipment.

Level 2 Powerboat Handling

This two-day entry level course provides the skills and background knowledge needed to drive a powerboat and is the basis of the International Certificate of Competence (ICC)

Inland Waterways Helmsman

This course is ideal for new owners conscious of the difficulty and hazards of boat handling in the marina.

Inland Waterways Crew

This is an entry level course and can be run in conjunction with higher level courses for mixed ability groups.

Own Boat & Bespoke Training

Whether its your first boat or brushing up on your skills, a bespoke training package can be tailored to your requirements.

ICC & CEVNI Testing

The ICC is a certificate of competence when requested by officials in foreign countries.

Essential Navigation & Seamanship

A great introduction to navigation and safety awareness

Assisted Passages

Passage planning and pilotage are a fundamental part of going to sea or cruising.

Day Skipper Shorebased

A comprehensive introduction to cruising for inexperienced skippers.

Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster Offshore

Advanced training for more experienced skippers.

Marine Radio (SRC)

The RYA Marine Radio Short Range Certificate (SRC) is the minimum qualification required to operate marine VHF radio equipment on a UK flagged vessel.

Marine Radio (SRC) - Online Course

An Online Course for the RYA Marine Radio Short Range Certificate (SRC).

First Aid

All the usual first aid subjects, but from a boating perspective.

Diesel Engine

A one-day beginners course to help you prevent and solve diesel engine failure.